Are you a New Believer?
As a new believer are you feeling a bit unsure of what to do next?
Imagine you have been given a new computer. You excitedly open the box, plug it in then realise you have no idea how to use it. You look at the instruction manual but that seems huge and complicated. Eventually, you decide your best bet is to find a friend who knows more about computers and get them to help you.
It’s like this when you become a new believer. You have made a decision: to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, to believe in the Word of God and things are beginning to change in your life. However, the thought of praying, reading the Bible, going to church all seem a bit daunting. Hopefully, this part of the website will help answer some of your questions and point you to other resources that may help.
TOP TIP: Nothing can replace having a good relationship with other believers. Try and find people who can show you how to grow as a new believer.
What do Christian’s believe?
I am sure that if you have been around toddlers you will have been bombarded with questions. As a new believer in Christ, you will have many questions. That is perfectly natural and important. Let me tell you, as a Christian who has believed for over 45 years I still have loads of questions!!! In fact, a very good website that answers many questions about believing in Christ is called “Got Questions”
There have been thousands of books written about the Bible. There is absolutely no way any topic presented here can be dealt with in-depth. My hope is to introduce you to a basic, non-controversial, biblical perspective. As you learn more about believing in Christ you will learn that there are a lot of opinions out there!
So, here are 13 posts covering the basics of what Christians believe.